
Monday, February 13, 2012

Meet Bud E.

Meet Bud E....He is the perfect travelling companion.  Doesn't say to much.  Doesn't care what the weather is or how long we'll be gone.

Bet you didn't know this....but.... Polarbears love  to ride motorcycles...they are kind of the badboys of the natural world, maybe he's full of crap...but that's what Bud E  said.

I tend to spend a lot of time riding solo, mostly because I tend to use the term road very loosely and  press on when everything says turn around.  I myself have been called a polarbear by several parties that shall remain anonymous, through various frigid adventures.  As I tell the tales of my adventures...the most common remark is your gotta be crazy to do that..  It was after one such adventure that Bud E and I were introduced.  So, Bud D and I traverse the highways and byways wherever the wind blows us.

 So, Welcome to the lunacy that is motorcycling, life, laughter, and wisdom, that is "Adventures with  Bud E".

p.s. Bud E has firm Triumph well as the play on words....Legendary Bud Elkins


  1. Awesome first post PolarBear. I warn you, the blogging becomes addictive, but it makes a nice journal of two wheeled adventures.

  2. PolarBear:

    WOW ! The first post on a new blog. I can honestly say that I knew him when . . .

    welcome to the world of Blogging

    Riding the Wet Coast

  3. Trobairitz sent me. Did you meet Bud at the Alaska Brewing Company? If yes, is that the one in Anchorage? (No idea if there are more.) I'll stop back again soon. I hear you have some pretty good stories. Welcome to the blogosphere (I'm starting to hate that term).

    1. That was at THE HANGER in Juneau summer of 2011
      Food tber was exceptional. It is a local hangout away from most of the tourists
      I highly rec. it if you find yourself looking for grub in Juneau

  4. Welcome to the Blogsphere! Bud E is pretty cute.

  5. Ha, before you know it you'll be packing a camera with you and taking pictures of food porn. Now you can put those Saturday morning coffee stories to pen and paper...well keyboard and electrons anyway.

  6. Looking forward to hearing the tales of two bears - have to agree with Trobairitz, blogging is a great way to journal.

  7. Another Triumph rider aye, we won't hold that against you..... maybe

    Welcome to the blogsphere.
