
Monday, July 16, 2012

Once in a lifetime.....

Kind of a sad day really...

  I suppose its kind of stupid...I sold my 1979 Ford Bronco this evening..
date of the original ad..
This was like the Craigslist of its day....
Yes, Its been more of a decrepit lawn ornament and eyesore more than anything...but it was the last thing I bought before i got married.....What does it mean?  Does it mean that those times are now fully behind me.  Is time finally gaining on me? I have the Talking Heads song "Once In A Lifetime" stuck in my head...How did I get here?  This is not my beautiful house.

What is it with me and vehicles named after animals..I've owned a 69 Cougar, 79 Bronco, and 2 Triumph Tigers....

Ps.  Anybody want to pick up Bud E. for the motoblog gathering..he is quite the party animal.. He finds new ways to get me into trouble...
I will be riding around the California Central Coast during that time.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you want to take Bud E with you? I hear he likes Laguna Seca.

    Bittersweet selling the Bronco, but at least you have more parking space now. Does this mean Sweet Pea gets to buy a bike?
